Class of 1960s Swedish torpedo boats.
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1All patients were kept in a spica cast for 3 weeks.
2I went home in a thumb spica splint the size of a mallet.
3The Plough faintly outlined above, and beautiful spica hanging low over Windle Flats.
4It is feasible to use hip medial ultrasound to evaluate the reduction of DDH in infants and children after spica cast.
5We present here a case report of trench foot in a child who was put on hip spica for her hip ailment.
6The technique was intramedullary pinning using a 2.5- to 3.0-mm Kirschner wire introduced through the greater trochanter followed by spica casting.
7These two stars make a triangle with Spica, about 35° on a side.
8Sirius, Regulus, Vega, and Spica may be white from greater intensity of vibration.
9And now, just rising, Spica, late, low, and slightly veil'd.
10Contrast the color of Arcturus with Spica, Antares, and Vega.
11And precisely at the moment of the heliacal rising of Arcturus, also rose Spica Virginis.
12It is formed by connecting with lines the stars Cor Caroli, Denebola, Spica, and Arcturus.
13Her brilliant Star, Spica Virginis, and Arcturus, in Boötes, northwest of it, heralded his coming.
14Antares and Arcturus, Canopus and Spica and Rigel Kent.
15Note them carefully, as follows: Hamel, Aldebaran, Pollux, Regulus, Spica, Antares, Arkat, Fomelhaut, and Markab.
16Spica is an extremely beautiful pure white star.